Wednesday, March 27, 2013

La leçon ironique de Nicolas Sarkozy à François Hollande - Le Nouvel Observateur

La leçon ironique de Nicolas Sarkozy à François Hollande - Le Nouvel Observateur

Mes cher compatriotes le bateau a touché le iceberg en 2007 avant l’élection présidentiels de mr: Sarkozy, certes vous ignores tout, mais, madame  Lagarde vous a répète « la crise est fine » donc : réfléchir un peu sur la réalité concrète pour saisir ;  vous arriverais à  comprendre vous mémé. 2013 le bateau a coulé, ce fini. Donc: pouvoir d'achat, ce mieux de regarde comme ont acheté avant de devenir un consommateur robotisé sur commande.  Donc, ne cherche pas le coupable de tout mais il y un %  de culpabilité dans tous ! Des autres acteurs de la démocratie de la propagande ont aussi contribué à vous rendre aveugle. Le future ce ne pas de chercher de fautifs mais de arranger une situation qui a éventuellement change complètement.  Donc avec une nation unie il existe tout jour de bateau des sauvetages donc utilise les, devenir sages, soignes vous  des malentendus, courage est moins de prétentions. , vives ! Sainement, naturellement aimes la nature, instruisez-vous, car tout malheur apporte de la connaissance est de la sagesse.

Venezuela\’s oil future a \’shambles\’ after Chavez – Business 360 – Blogs « artslogic

Venezuela\’s oil future a \’shambles\’ after Chavez – Business 360 – Blogs « artslogic
best reason to drop the US $ And the cripple £, form a bank with the BRIC nations, stop using dollars worldwide it is toilet paperer bogus currency! forget wall-street, it is a useless market it is not even a market but a printing machine of bogus money, leave the OPEC form anew petrodollars ditch the current petrodollars, by bankrupting america Venezuela can save the american citizens from the current fascist regime of Washington, act now. think, calculate, US BONDS are zero, in fact useless, the $ is useless, electronic scam. reason why qatar, Saudi Arabia are buying Europe like crazy to get those useless dollars in solid assets, the ill advice economist in should wake up  (IN FRANCE)  which do not have any knowledge of the actual realm of the economy. the BREN 25 % silver is the last chance, as after Cyprus is Greece, Belgian, Luxembourger, them Spain and ITALY. and the unavoidable end of the euro. there is no way out, FMI, IMF,  world bank, depend on the FED printing machine. remember Breton woods, and the end of GOLD as equilibrium of world currencies.. analyse it inquire be wise . a south american union with a new petrol BREN 25% silver is the only solution until them suffer and austerity will be your daily existence. reflect North Korea is in fact a false flag to veil the toilet paper dollar $ currency.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Étienne Chouard : Hugo Chavez - YouTube

Étienne Chouard : Hugo Chavez - YouTube

We Need A NEW WORLD SYSTEM ~ Paradise or Oblivion

We Need A NEW WORLD SYSTEM ~ Paradise or Oblivion

» The Rape Of Cyprus By The European Union & The IMF Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Rape Of Cyprus By The European Union & The IMF Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“Up to five or six ships must be on a permanent basis in the Mediterranean Sea. They should be controlled through the command of the Black Sea Fleet,” Russian TV channel Zvezda quoted Admiral Chirkov as saying.
Supply vessels will also be included in the permanent deployment to the Mediterranean.
The decision to send Russian ships to the Mediterranean’s waters was first announced on March 11 by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.

Greece sell asset for IMF Debt

Greece sell asset for IMF Debt
And the US government knew it, charges Stiglitz, at least in the case of the biggest privatisation of all, the 1995 Russian sell-off. 'The US Treasury view was: "This was great, as we wanted Yeltsin re-elected. We DON'T CARE if it's a corrupt election

The World in 2030: Global Trends and Alternative Worlds

The World in 2030: Global Trends and Alternative Worlds

If we put a gallon of water on a container heated to an extreme temperature it becomes solid. While if we do the same and put this container under extreme cold temperature it evaporates.
Certainly it looks quite illogical to as we understand as heating water should create evaporation, while freezing water it solidifies it. Nature in this case shows how human reasoning and logic is contrary to what is expected, as well what common logical reasoning knows as a fact. The reality is that what takes place on a black hole is just that, an extreme cold temperature, what humans instruments read is the outside boundary of the black hole, what is inside remains unknown.  While theories of the big bang, reason an extreme heated temperature. We believe that this big bang in question is a product of that extreme heat, while it is the contrary what took place. It was extreme cold temperatures that created the big bang. The universe in some way is a complex paradox extreme cold and extreme heat on a sphere, the universe is as well this paradox, and the extreme cold inside the black hole ejects their opposites, which eventually become the future rearrangement of a galaxy.
The same erroneous logic is applied to the estimation the think-tanks that participate on the illustrated debate. They got it all wrong, however it is quite logical, in fact what they say; in many words they have nothing new to reveal, nothing changes, the IMF will continue its insane policies, the petrodollars will remain and the current economical and financial system as we know it is the only answer to progress. Therefore a think-tanks charade if you like a useless study on what economical terms are related, a waste of time effort and ideas.
On the other hand its construction argument participants and presentation looks quite reasonable, the speakers very intelligent and the subjects’ charts and interpretations on a total accord with what reason is interconnected to.
This is a very good example not only to human citizens reasoning but better say the politicians and financiers in power of how they by manipulation words, and sentences are able to create a new idea that in fact is the same old idea, promote insights that say nothing, and indoctrinate reason to a point of creating false realities, while presenting them as quite as newer feasible insights. We can conclude it is a financial think-thank manipulation to unaware audiences. Which what it looks like is the way the planet will behave in the future. As the result in 2030 will certainly be the opposite of everything the think-thank reports predicts. The point here is to show why and how the think-tanks of the current system are somewhat in another reality more a virtual than a real one. They practically mistake symbol’s from facts; it is like saying that the American flag is the nation, (while the nation is matter, its people its land), and the flag is just a symbol. The switching around is a method the financial system uses to save itself from the coming inevitable global collapse, that an erroneous logic and understanding of nature and the human being procure.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Documentary Exposes US Role in Iraq Sectarian Conflict

Documentary Exposes US Role in Iraq Sectarian Conflict
la France est Le terrorism made in USA..............

March 16 2013 - Consciousness, Death & the Afterlife - YouTube

March 16 2013 - Consciousness, Death & the Afterlife - YouTube

Armer les rebelles syriens - Fabius : "Il faut bouger" - Le Point

Armer les rebelles syriens - Fabius : "Il faut bouger" - Le Point
ce nest pas sure car ce dans 6 mois que ont peu verifier la réalité FABIOUS! comme le mali est la Libye. plus d'armes plus de morts, plus d'armes plus de danger, moins d'armes moins de mort, logique sage, embargo total sur d'armes aussi bien au Qatar que en Arabia Saudi, comme au Yemen est Israel, puis si ce la paix, mais si ce la guerre suivre fabious ce la bonne direction.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Woody Harrelson 'Ethos' - Epic Documentary! - Time to Unslave Humanity - YouTube

Woody Harrelson 'Ethos' - Epic Documentary! - Time to Unslave Humanity - YouTube:

'via Blog this'
it looks as the-main enemy of american lives is the British government; them we got Israel, or better say Zionist . Israel.. is not a wise nation, neither  Jews are not showing great intelligence, in fact Israel looks more a tool of the UK government than that Israel will rule the world prediction.. Britisher citizens are somehow unaware of all this so citizens are not guilty of anything at all.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Large-Scale Russia-Belarus War Games in Response to Deployment of US Missile Shield in Europe | Global Research

Large-Scale Russia-Belarus War Games in Response to Deployment of US Missile Shield in Europe | Global Research
voilà raison pour la quelle la FRANCE doit de sortir de la OTAN, impérative, car comme d'habitude ce l’Europe qui paie les débordement de Washington, alors Économiser ce avoir moins d'armes de guerres inutiles est d'armement.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Capriles joins Venezuelan presidential race — RT News « artslogic

Capriles joins Venezuelan presidential race — RT News « artslogic

Democracy is a nation behind one men, which was what took place somewhat in Venezuela, the enormous error of Mr capriles is that his intention is not the nation, but rather its division his aim is not democracy (one nation behind one men), but rather the opposite. Once a nation is divided it stops evolving it creates hate a rift between his citizens, it is a pray for foreign beast, the idea of foreign investment “now days” is the, the methods of banks, IMF, World bank to destroy and demoralize a nation, steal his wealth, and divide and impoverish his citizens, create a wealthy servant ruling class and a corrupt military and police force. This is mirror image of western society; it takes place in Greece, Spain, North America, France, Italy practically the whole planet that is under the financial bankers rule. If Mr. Capriles was an intelligent and sincere individual he will push even further the union of the nation, cooperate with Mr Maduro and promote the union of the South American continent, not the continuous division he practiced for the past years. This is the reason why he somehow portraits itself more of a SIONIST MOLE RATHER THAN A NOBLE AND HONEST CITIZEN.

Friday, March 08, 2013

Un tribunal de Argentina condena al expresidente Menem por contrabando | Internacional | EL PAÍS

Un tribunal de Argentina condena al expresidente Menem por contrabando | Internacional | EL PAÍS
olvidese de menen perdida de tiempo concentre-ce en Rusia misiles nucleares y un pueblo unido en américa latina "si es que argentina es en fin una nación honesta y sur-americana que quiere a sus habitantes y los protege)

» Hugo Chavez may be dead, but the great cancer of socialism continues to spread Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « artslogic

» Hugo Chavez may be dead, but the great cancer of socialism continues to spread Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « artslogic

mike Adams mind reflects were minds are today, he describe Chavez as a dictator while Obama acts on a similar fashion therefore describing Chavez he describes the american congress and Washington  however on his mind is talking about Chavez. you might say he loves THE FED, THE IMF and Goldman Sacks, but on the other hand he claims the opposite. as Alex Jones claim 1776, big brother is here "prison planet" true the planet is a prison, and Americans, will be killed by their own government, socialism is coming to america the end of private property.   banks rule the planet all that is real. however, the rhetoric does not mention solutions neither describes the root of the problem, but rather creates a paradox, we love OBAMA, we hate OBAMA simultaneously, we are with the 99% and we are against it, we worship the 01% and we hate it; simultaneously. paradoxical desires and solutions;  the military does the same, the financial system acts likewise, the government behaves on similar fashion, and private lives of humans look as if they are following the same trend. the question is, where these  schizophrenic paradoxical impulses originates from. as this makes planet earth a laboratory, and humans as rats on an  a labyrinth. rats are instinctive however they are unable to reason why they are caught on a cage and moreover communicate with the scientist that is using them for an experiment. a monkey with some electrodes on his brain is unable to express his discontent and abuse to the scientist that had planted the electrodes on his brain. likewise in this case humans are unable to complain, because they ignore what they got on their own brains that makes them behave as they do.
this kind of technology is not from the Illuminati  neither Rothschild bankers, or Plato's cave.. it looks a lot more sophisticated than that. world leaders got it all wrong, however what looks like it is not them but the lack of understanding, what is preventing them to perceive properly, what is blinding them, as what is directing mike Adams mind to behave the way he does. that is the question to ask.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

De Tripoli à Damas à l’Imam Mahdi – Sheikh Imran Hosein – 7 octobre 2011 (Français) – YouTube « artslogic

De Tripoli à Damas à l’Imam Mahdi – Sheikh Imran Hosein – 7 octobre 2011 (Français) – YouTube « artslogic
monsieur (Calvie C-dans l'air) attention car l'information est distribuée dans la planète très rapidement donc: ce fini l’époque Sarkozy, de propagande!  le lavage de cerveaux par vôtres invites devient encore --- peu  crédibles mais plus simple à comprendre, démonté est reconstruit..  par tous dans la planète. donc: plus de vérité... nonobstant il a y des gens crédible est intelligent suivant.. dans l'émission..

A Leader's Cry in Venezuela – ‘I Am Chávez' ... - Viadeo

A Leader's Cry in Venezuela – ‘I Am Chávez' ... - Viadeo

I suggest to mr Maduro to harden the stance towards Washington, Chavez in fact was to soft with Washington. "you do not go to war to create peace" however in what Washington is concern, you must look for alliances, open a nuclear base for ICBM, topol missiles in Venezuela, give access to Russian nuclear submarines on the caribbean,   cooperate and create a South american union with the people not the elites servants of wall street and the world bank, sever ties with the IMF. explain this logic to the whole population not just of Venezuela but the whole of south america, do the same with the Canadian  Mexican and american citizens, forget OBAMA, congress and Washington, talk to the people use, the media the proper way, use TELESUR to explain the logic clearly, and make american citizens understand your intend. forget governments, talk to the people, enhance your mobile and technological capabilities "smartphones etc" cooperate with china, and do it wisely as china is on a paradox at the moment and they do not really know how to behave diplomatically, you can become the third voice of consensus  negotiate  always negotiate, but do not give one nano-meter to Washington credence, understand Washington politicians are in fact savages, uncivilized folks so treat them as such, with care patience and understanding as they are below normal, civilized beings. just act wisely. and take the opportunity now as the whole population of south america has become ONE, thanks to Chavez death, he has become the Jesus Christ of south american people, therefore his crucifiction has an intend as it has a reason.
and explain to Washington that (You do not go to war to have peace" )